Simly Dam Lake

Simly Dam Lake

Explore Simly Dam Lake, the largest reservoir near Islamabad, Pakistan, offering scenic views and fresh water from Murree hills' springs. Completed in 1983, just 30 km east of the capital.

4.7 out of 5 stars (476 reviews)
Rest House, Simly Dam Road, Zone IV, Islamabad Capital Territory, Pakistan
Travel from ISB: Less than 1 hour
Lat: 33.7250497, Long: 73.341264
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Simly Dam Lake: A Hidden Gem in Pakistan’s Capital


Situated about 30 kilometers east of Islamabad and Rawalpindi, Simly Dam Lake emerges as a key reservoir that supplies much-needed drinking water to the residents of Pakistan's capital. Featuring an 80-meter high earthen embankment dam, Simly Dam draws from the Soan River and captures the fresh melting snow and natural springs from the Murree hills. Initiated by the Capital Development Authority (CDA), planning for the Simly Dam began in 1962 and, despite various delays, was finally completed in 1983. The dam serves not only as a crucial water resource but also as an emerging tourist attraction for nature lovers and adventure seekers alike.

Historical Background

Planning and Construction

The idea of constructing Simly Dam first came to light in 1962 with the objective of addressing the drinking water needs of Islamabad. However, unexpected delays in the project pushed its completion date from the initially anticipated 1972 to 1983. The Capital Development Authority (CDA) spearheaded the development, ensuring the dam would be sustainable and efficient in meeting the needs of the growing capital city.

Functionality and Importance

Simly Dam is critical for Islamabad's water supply, given its key role in capturing and storing runoff from the Murree hills, particularly during the melting period. The reservoir hence supports the city’s households and industries, maintaining a steady flow of fresh water throughout the year.

Geographical Context


Simly Dam Lake is located 30 kilometers east of Islamabad and Rawalpindi. This strategic location not only facilitates easy access to clean water but also positions the dam in a picturesque setting, backed by the Murree hills and lush green surroundings.

Natural Setting

The lake is refueled by the melting snow and natural springs originating from the Murree hills. This results in pristine, fresh water that is both refreshing and naturally filtered, making it an ideal water source for Islamabad.

Visiting Simly Dam Lake


The dam is easily accessible from Islamabad and Rawalpindi via the Lehtrar Road. Visitors can enjoy a smooth drive surrounded by stunning landscapes, presenting ample photographic opportunities.


The Simly Dam area is equipped with essential facilities to cater to visitors, including parking spaces, picnic spots, and viewing platforms. There are also small eateries to ensure that tourists can spend a whole day at the location comfortably.

Activities to Enjoy

Boating and Fishing

Simly Dam Lake is a haven for water-based activities. Boating is hugely popular, with rental facilities available on-site. Additionally, the lake is well-stocked with various species of fish, making it an excellent spot for angling enthusiasts.


For those interested in hiking, the surrounding Murree hills offer numerous trails. The paths are scenic and provide varying levels of difficulty, making them suitable for both novice and experienced hikers.

Wildlife and Vegetation

Diverse Flora and Fauna

The area around Simly Dam Lake is rich in biodiversity. The natural vegetation includes several species of trees and shrubs, contributing to the area's lush, green appearance. Fauna is abundant as well, with numerous bird species making the lake their temporary or permanent home.

Bird Watching

Bird watching is another delightful activity visitors can indulge in at Simly Dam Lake. The area attracts a variety of local and migratory birds, making it a paradise for ornithologists and amateur bird watchers.

Importance for Islamabad

Water Resource

Simly Dam Lake plays an indispensable role as Islamabad's primary water reservoir. This makes it critical for both residential and industrial water supply.

Environmental Impact

The dam helps in maintaining ecological balance by capturing runoff water and melting snow that would otherwise flood the plains. It thus serves not only as a water resource but also as an environmental stabilizer.


Environmental Concerns

Like many other large dams, Simly Dam also poses certain environmental challenges. These include potential impacts on the natural habitat of various species and the risk of water pollution.


Continuous maintenance is required to ensure that the dam remains operational and efficient. This involves regular inspections and repairs, which can be logistically challenging and costly.

Future Prospects

Expansion Plans

Given its critical role, there are ongoing discussions about expanding the dam's capacity and enhancing its infrastructure to meet the increasing water demands of Islamabad.

Tourism Development

With its rising popularity as a tourist spot, there are plans to further develop the area around Simly Dam Lake to provide more facilities and activities for visitors. This includes potential partnerships with travel portals like to promote it as a must-visit family destination.

Best Time to Visit

Seasonal Attractions

The ideal time to visit Simly Dam Lake is during summer and spring when the water levels are high, and the weather is perfect for outdoor activities. The greenery around the dam is most vibrant during these seasons, providing a picturesque backdrop for all your adventures.

Avoiding Crowds

To enjoy a more peaceful experience, consider visiting during weekdays or off-peak hours. This ensures you can fully appreciate the beauty and serenity of Simly Dam Lake without the distraction of large crowds.

Sustainable Tourism

Eco-friendly Practices

Visitors are encouraged to adopt eco-friendly practices to preserve the natural beauty of Simly Dam Lake. This includes proper waste disposal and minimizing disturbance to the local wildlife.

Community Involvement

Engaging the local community in tourism activities can help ensure that development around the dam is sustainable. Community-led tours and locally-operated facilities can provide authentic experiences while supporting local livelihoods.


Simly Dam Lake stands as a testament to the ingenuity and foresight involved in ensuring a sustainable water supply for Islamabad. Beyond its crucial functional role, the dam offers a wealth of recreational and educational opportunities for visitors. Whether you are drawn by the tranquil waters, the outdoor activities, or the scenic beauty of the surrounding hills, Simly Dam Lake provides a comprehensive experience that is both enriching and enjoyable.

For more details on other exciting destinations to explore while visiting Simly Dam Lake, consider checking out Rawal Lake, Murree, and Ayubia National Park, each offering unique attractions and experiences within the vicinity.